I wanted to scream at them, I rolled my eyes, and made big disgusted sighs come out my mouth to the tv. I now know why I am not a trainer. I am just not that hard core. I kept thinking about wonderful ways to justify the cupcake, "you workout every day of your life" "what would a cupcake hurt?" "look at your people, they would love to eat the cupcake vicariously through you!" "eat the dang cupcake you skinny piece of white trash - who do you think you are? You can and yet you wont!" !
I pondered, I debated, I walked the floor, I figured it out, oh, the EXAMPLE thing, Bob said he had a cupcake last month, well, he qualified it to half of the cupcake, but he was trying to show people that temptations are passable, and that there is another way around them and even a little sin can lead to sabotage on the real goal.
I have been especially good at following my advise lately. The bag of chocolate kisses I had lying around last week - I hid. I hid them so good that when it was pms time I found myself ripping my kitchen apart frantically looking for a 5 minute chocolate peace buzz. I guess that is one of the good things about my advancing age, I can hide treats from myself and succeed. I had to laugh at the pathetic picture I was painting as a 39 year old pre menstrual mom searching for a bag of kisses. I gave up and had some hot chocolate instead.
The point is, the temptation was there, but my strategy worked, I out foxed myself. Hooray! I think that if I was the trainer I would have had to heavily salt and ruin the cupcake immediately. Even the garbage can would not have been a safe place to hide the luscious morsel when no one was looking. That is my season now, I am trickier than before, I can obsess about something tasty lying around, then I seek it out and destroy it by consumption. The secret for me to safe is to use the times I feel strong to protect the times I feel weak. I cannot ensure the safety of those kisses the day I find them. I just pray it is not 28 days from last Tuesday.
I can resist a cupcake...but a peanut butter cup? That is another story.
I should just not go to the store. I am always a sucker for a good deal, and when I get depressed (which is frequently) I stock up on candy. This time of the year is horrible because of the Halloween candy. Once I have bought it, it seems like such a waste of money not to eat it. The key for me is not to buy it in the first place.
I'm better off if the temptation is not in the house--but sometime I can't help it, it's here. I know I can't even have a bite or a taste, because for me it's never enough. (I remember one time hiding chocolate chip cookies in a little safe that belonged to one of my kids and then working like crazy to "crack" the safe)
As always, great job. Love the "use the times I feel strong to protect the times I feel weak". Thanks.
Loved your insight "..temptations are passable...even a little sin can lead to sabotage on the real goal." So true!! In all aspects of life.
I succeeded so well in my attempt to hid kisses (yes your not the only one) from myself that I just barely found the mint kisses I hid at Christmas Time 2006. A whole BAG!! Unopened! Which sadly meant they were still fresh and tasty and.. .hold on let me wipe the chocolate from the corner of my mouth....
I've given you an award--check it out at my blog. I'm so glad I found your blog. You lift me every day you post something!!!
I just loved how all three of them just looked at the cupcakes and said. No way, it's not worth it. It wasn't even a question. I don't even think Bob was serious about it once he realized the others weren't going to do it. I want to be like that. To be able to look temptation in the face and say "HA".
I was wondering if they were going to not eat them out of principle, or eat part of them to show them that you can have a treat once in a while. I was glad to see that they didn't give in.
Unfortunately, I'm not good at forgetting where chocolate is.....
If I was one of the trainers, saying no in front of everyone would be no problem. The problem would be me sneaking into the room alone later! Hmmm....was anyone keeping track of Bob 24/7? :D
BTW, I'm planning right now for 28 days from now!!!!! Thanks!
Yesterday my husband was painting a wall "fudge truffle". I swear it looked just like he was painting on melted milk chocolate. My walking partner walked in right after that and she immediately noticed the similarities between the paint and chocolate and pretended to lick the wet paint.
We thought about marketing paint that when dried, you could lick and get the taste of chocolate on your tongue. Kind of like willie wonka's wallpaper. Of course it would be calorie free. Can I write you down for an advance order?
Me and chocolate have the same relationship...my mom left about 1/4 bag of milk chocolate chips in my freezer when she left last week after much help with the kiddos while I was working on the house and when I was packing the freezer to move I found them. I immediately chucked them and spent the next 4 days cursing myself for throwing them out because I had no chocolate in the house and was pmsing! And yet when I told mom about it today I told her I was mad that I had thrown them out but that was exactly why I had thrown them out - so I couldn't binge out on them. And it was all worth it when I weighed in this morning at 176 lbs - 44 lbs down in 18 weeks! p.s. I'm so glad to be back on line and to be able to be here again!
i was so disappointed, i will admit, that bob didn't eat a cupcake. even trainers should indulge occasionally, and think of the reward. blue team would have won the challenge, and thus immunity, sending someone from the read team home instead. so disappointing. i think that he was considering it until jillian and kim went so self-righteous and acted like there was no way that sugar and flour ever cross their lips. i found them to be completely irritating. can you tell that i'm a bob harper fan?
Hey there! I am looking for a good homemade granola recipe. Do you have one? Thanks!
P.S. I loved what you had to say today, as always.
Somehow lamely I got the stupid letters wrong in that stupid box and the brilliant answers to each of your comments are not posted, my day has begun and I have to shower and get out of here, so please just know I thankyou all for your comments and your continued ability to read my babblings. You are all wonderful and make my day!
I think I could pass up a cupcake, but if it had been a sugar cookie with frosting...
I hide things too, but not from myself, from my kids! One thing I have tried to do to help decrease the amount of consumption is to share my treats with my kids, that way I only eat 1/7th of whatever it is, and I am learning to share (something I must have missed learning as a child)!
Great insight!
I thought the exact same thing! In fact, I told my husband, "If those skinny people can't have one stinkin' cupcake, then I don't want to be thin." But then, ah...yes....the lesson was made. But really, you know they'd burn it off in like thirty seconds of squats. Their muscles are practically jumping out of their skin.
O.K...now onto temptation. Pretty much anything with chocolate is a trigger food for me. If only my memory could truly forget where I hide things. No...it's like a steel trap when it comes to things like m&ms.
I can resist a cupcake, but a Snickers bar would be hard. I haven't had one in 3 1/2 weeks...since The Biggest Loser started and I re-focused my attention on losing weight...and as of today I've lost 10 pounds! :) Good luck resisting those kisses when they resurface, they'd be hard for me to resist too.
What was Bob's comment? "I think I had half a cupcake last month". Like he was apologetic or something. CRAZY.
I still love the show though.
I'd like to add your blog to my favorite links. You are so creative! I found you by way of Mommies Who Read.
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