Yesterday morning 5:15 a.m. I heard the rain. I groaned inwardly (I am not sure what that sounds like, but I have never heard anyone use the term "groaned outwardly") I live in the northwest and the rains have begun. Rain makes it harder to get out the door, and easier to justify staying in bed. Cold also makes a wonderful excuse, and I love a good excuse. The problem is that while excuses bring instant gratification in the short term, they aren't going to make your bottom any smaller.
I try hard to keep my "no excuses" policy and go out no matter what (although I do long for the nice warm gym.) It really helps to pray the night before for the desire and ability to go out. I am still not at the point where I jump out of bed excited to run, rain or shine, but I am working on it. I believe one day I will get there, I am trying to say to myself "if the weather is ugly, learn to sing - in the rain". Fake it till you make it baby.
So today for you today, my take on the saying is, "if you are cold from a rainy run, make soup."
Try this recipe: It is dark and spooky, perfect for halloween, delicious with a sour cream ghost on top! Have a great weekend.
Black and Brown Soup
(Black bean and brown rice)
6 cups black beans
4 cups beef broth
1 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
1/4 cup olive oil
1 large onion chopped
4-6 cloves of garlic
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 1/2 tsp oregano
2 tsp salt
2-3 Tbls red wine vinegar
Whirl 2 cups beans with 1 cup broth until smooth, set aside
In large pot, saute in 1/4 cup olive oil:
1 large onion chopped
4-6 cloves of minced garlic
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1 1/2 tsp oregano
4 cups beef stock
4 cups black beans
1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
add whirled beans and broth
4 cups black beans
1 1/2 cups cooked brown rice
2 tsp salt
2-3 Tbls red wine vinegar
cook, and serve with fat free sour cream.
Love it, and what a great looking family you have. God bless!
On the beans - is that canned? or can you crock pot this recipe?
Thanks, it sounds delish.
I LOVE to run in the rain. Not freezing rain, but just rain. I even love it when it's dumping buckets. It reminds me of the days when I would go puddle jumping with my cross country team. It seems like another lifetime ago.
I lived in Seattle not too long ago for four years. I really miss it. I miss the outdoor friendly winters. I rarely had to get my winter running gear out. Just some gloves and a vest was enough. Now I'm in Maine and I bought a treadmill for the times when the snow is waist deep. That happened in April last year.
I need to get my crockpot out. Looks like a great recipe!
Reading your post made me feel slightly guilty. I didn't go work out this morning, because I ate something yesterday that made me pretty sick last night (still trying to figure out what it was). I told my husband that I'm going when he gets home from work today. Plus, we're going to a Halloween festival tonight, so there'll be plenty of walking!
Don't know if it's a fluke, but I'm down to a new low. Whatever the reason, I'll take it!
Thanks for your posts. I just LOVE them. You inspire me to keep going in spite of setbacks! So many people who lose weight talk about it like they're a pillar of strength and never slip up. I think the thing I've learned most from you is that you can still reach your goals if you slip up. It may take me a bit longer, but it's still very doable!
Mmmm! I love a good black bean soup. It's cloudy here today. Maybe this is up on the menu for tonight.
I always use canned beans, I have never made it in a crock pot...You guys always teach me more than I know. Guess I will pull out the great white whale (crock pot)
Thanks everyone.
I do not like going out in the rain--I'd much rather go out in the snow. (I guess I don't like being cold and wet, but just being cold is o.k. ; )
Thanks for the great recipe. (I love black beans!!!)
The soup looks so yummy! I love autumn and winter and soup.
I joined a gym yesterday and today was my second day (ouch). I love being outside in the rain...when it's a warm summer rain, but if it's too cold I have a hard time pulling myself out of bed, and I don't have a husband there to kick me out as he is usually up and gone by 4:30!
I also started in making better choices about eating and am instituted my one treat per day again. Your posts have been helping to prepare my mind for the journey. When you get time, stop by my blog, I gave you an award!
This soup is really good. Of course Calamity J is an awesome Chef.
Luckily I am married to her. You inspire me!
can't wait to try the recipe on our next rainy day. thanks for sharing it.
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