Some people have asked me how I started my weight loss. My first few months in the blog archive explain it all.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I Believe

I am not a nutritionist, I am not a personal trainer, I am a woman of faith. I believe in Christ. I believe in His love, I believe that through Him, all things are possible. I believe that I was given two gifts upon arriving on earth. One was a physical body, the other, the agency to choose. I believe that I do have a choice on how I care for my first gift, that of a physical body. I believe that it was and still is impossible on my own to do it right. I know that Jesus carries me through to my goal of making my physical body healthier, He teaches and prompts through the power of the Holy Ghost. I know that He hears me. I know He is my friend. I know that God is "no respecter of persons" I know that the same help that is available to me is available to everyone. Today, go for a walk, throw out your junk food, eat correct portions. Ask Him for strength, ask Him to teach you, expect miracles and then rejoice when they happen.

"It goes without saying that negative speaking so often flows from negative thinking, including negative thinking about ourselves. We see our own faults, we speak - or at least think- critically of ourselves, and before long that is how we see everyone and everything. No sunshine, no roses, no promise of hope or happiness. Before long, we and everybody around us are miserable." (Elder Holland)

"The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The opposite or pessimistic spirit drags men down and away from God, looks on the dark side, murmurs, complains, and is slow to yield obedience." We should
honor the Savior's declaration to "be of good cheer"...Speak hopefully. Speak encouragingly, including about yourself. Try not to complain and moan incessantly. As someone once said, "Even in the golden age of civilization someone undoubtedly grumbled that everything looked too yellow." -(Elder Orson F. Whitney as quoted by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland in April 2007 general conference)


Kristen said...

Your post is true as always. I think that it is a trend these days (not a conscious one)for women to always be hypercritical of themselves, and to constantly compare with others. Like Elder Holland says, we need to watch how we treat ourselves and instead of always stating the negative, look to the future with confidence that you can change the things you need to and be happy.

I have a question for you. I know you say you exercise every day no matter what. But what do you do when you are physically sick? Do you push through the pain, or take the day off?

Carrot Jello said...
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Calamity Jane said...

Hi Kristen, it's nice to see you don't have to use Issac's name! Good insight.
Your second paragraph concerns me. I am not quite THAT dedicated. Friday I had little to no sleep. I slept in. I wish I could say I powered through it, but I do let myself have days. I also take Sundays off, it is one more way I "call the sabbath a delight".

General Wolfe said...

Life can chip away at me and sometimes just remembering that we have someone to rely on that can guide us through this maze is a huge power in my life.

Thanks for the post.

Michelle said...

thank you for sharing your powerful testimony. I am moved by your example and strength.

Kristen said...

Thanks for your answer to my question. I assumed that you didn't exercise on Sunday I guess I thought that was a given. But I am glad to hear that you take a day off here and there. I am trying to be good, but physically felt bad, so I am glad you helped quiet my guilt.